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We are recruiting Postdoc Research Fellow! Salary ranges from 300k ~ 400k RMB per year.
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Congratulations to Pengbo Yin for his Master's National Scholarship (研究生国家奖学金) in 2023 !
Congratulations to Yi Song for his Tencent Scholarship (腾讯奖学金) in 2023 !
Congratulations to Zhipeng Cai for his Guotai Junan Scholarship (国泰君安奖学金) in 2023 !
Congratulations to Songqiang Chen for his Master's National Scholarship (研究生国家奖学金) in 2022 !
Congratulations to Songqiang Chen for his Master's National Scholarship (研究生国家奖学金) in 2021 !
Research Interests

Software Testing

Program Slicing and Analysis

Debugging and Fault-localization

Search-based Software Engineering

Evolutionary Computing

Machine Learning
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, "Do not neglect what’s on your hands: localizing software faults with exception trigger stream", Xihao Zhang, Yi Song, Xiaoyuan Xie, Qi Xin, Chenliang Xing, 2024 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)
(ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖) -
我心目中的好导师, Wuhan University
Top-12 speaker on "2023 AI Software Development Digital Summit"
(2023 AI+软件研发数字峰会 (AiDD) Top 12 演讲嘉宾) -
Research Fund for International Excellent Young Scientists from NSFC
(2022年基金委外国优秀青年学者研究基金获得者 (全国49人)) -
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, "Boosting the Revealing of Detected Violations in Deep Learning Testing: A Diversity-Guided Method", Xiaoyuan Xie, Pengbo Yin, and Songqiang Chen, 2022 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)
(ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖) -
CCF NASAC Software Innovation Award for Young Researchers
(2021年中国计算机学会NASAC青年软件创新奖 (该奖项针对在软件领域的科学研究、技术发明、系统开发及应用等方面有突出成就和重大贡献、年龄不超过40岁的软件领域研究人员,每年1-3人)) -
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, "Testing Your Question Answering Software via Asking Recursively", Songqiang Chen, Shuo Jin, and Xiaoyuan Xie, 2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)
(ACM SIGSOFT杰出论文奖) -
ACM SIGEVO HUMIES 2017 Silver Medal, Human Competitiveness of Genetic Programming in Spectrum Based Fault Localisation: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
(ACM SigEvo HUMIES 2017银奖) -
Luojia Young Scholar, Wuhan University
(武汉大学珞珈青年学者) -
Best Paper Award, "Application of Metamorphic Testing to Supervised Classifiers", Xiaoyuan Xie, Joshua Ho, Christian Murphy, Gail Kaiser, Baowen Xu and Tsong Yueh Chen, 9th International Conference on Quality Software
(最佳论文奖) -
SUPRA, Swinburne University Postgraduate Research Awards
(斯威本大学研究生研究奖) -
Best Master Thesis of Jiangsu Province Award, "A Study on Some Applications of Evolutionary Testing", Xiaoyuan Xie, Master Thesis.
(江苏省优秀硕士学位论文) -
Graduate Student Scholarship, First-class scholarship of excellent graduate students of Southeast University
(东南大学优秀研究生一等奖学金) -
Best Bachelor Thesis of Jiangsu Province Award, "A Study on Some Questions of Evolutionary Testing", Xiaoyuan Xie, Bachelor Thesis.
(江苏省优秀本科毕业论文) -
Excellent Graduate Award, received my Bachelor Degree with being awarded the "Excellent graduate of Southeast University of 2005".
Selected Publications
Refereed Journals
RFMC-CS: a representation fusion based multi-view momentum contrastive learning framework for code search
G. Chen, W. Liu, X. Xie
Automated Software Engineering
Vol.32, No.1, pp.1-16 (corresponding author) -
Metamorphic Testing of Image Captioning Systems via Image-Level Reduction
X. Xie, X. Li, S. Chen
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
(co-corresponding author) -
SURE: A Visualized Failure Indexing Approach using Program Memory Spectrum
Y. Song, X. Zhang, X. Xie, S. Chen, Q. Liu, R. Gao
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
Vol.33, No.8, pp.1-43 (corresponding author) -
Word Closure-Based Metamorphic Testing for Machine Translation
X. Xie, S. Jin, S. Chen, S.C. Cheung
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
Vol.33, No.8, pp.1-46 (corresponding author) -
When Debugging Encounters Artificial Intelligence: State of the Art and Open Challenges
Y. Song, X. Xie, B. Xu
SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences
Vol.67, No.4, pp.141101 (co-first and corresponding author) -
QAASKER+: a novel testing method for question answering software via asking recursive questions
X. Xie, S. Jin, S. Chen
Automated Software Engineering
Vol.30, No.1, pp.14 (co-corresponding author) -
A comprehensive empirical investigation on failure clustering in parallel debugging
Y. Song, X. Xie, Q. Liu, X. Zhang, X. Wu
Journal of Systems and Software
Vol.193, pp.111452 (corresponding author) -
Personalizing label prediction for GitHub issues
J. Wang, X. Zhang, L. Chen, X. Xie
Information and Software Technology
Vol.145, pp.106845 -
MULA: A Just-In-Time Multi-labeling System for Issue Reports
X. Xie, Y. Su, S. Chen, L. Chen, J. Xuan, B. Xu
IEEE Transactions on Reliability
Vol.71, No.1, pp.250-263 (corresponding author) -
METTLE: a METamorphic testing approach to assessing and validating unsupervised machine LEarning systems
X. Xie, Z. Zhang, T.Y. Chen, Y. Liu, P-L. Poon, B. Xu
IEEE Transactions on Reliability
Vol.69, No.4, pp.1293-1322 (corresponding author) -
How does code style inconsistency affect pull request integration? an exploratory study on 117 github project
W. Zou, J. Xuan, X. Xie, Z. Chen, B. Xu
Empirical Software Engineering
Vol.24, No.6, pp.3871-3903 -
Metric+: A metamorphic relation identification technique based on input plus output domains
C-A. Sun, A. Fu, P-L. Poon, X. Xie, H. Liu, T. Y. Chen
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering -
Does the fault reside in a stack trace? assisting crash localization by predicting crashing fault residence
Y. Gu, J. Xuan, H. Zhang, L. Zhang, Q. Fan, X. Xie, T. Qian
Journal of Systems and Software
Vol.148, pp.88-104 -
On the analysis of spectrum based fault localization using hitting sets
J. Tu , X. Xie , T. Y. Chen , B. Xu
Journal of Systems and Software
Vol.147, pp.106-123 -
Software effort estimation based on open source projects: Case study of Github, Information and Software Technology
F. Qi, X. Y. Jing, X. Zhu, X. Xie, B. Xu, S. Ying
Information and Software Technology
Vol.92, pp.145-157 -
Multi-level random walk for software test suite reduction
Z. Chi, J. Xuan, Z. Ren, X. Xie, H. Guo
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
Vol.12, No.2, pp.24-33 -
Localisation: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
S. Yoo, X. Xie, F-C. Kuo, T. Y. Chen, M. Harman
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
Vol.26(1), pp.4:1-4:30 (co-corresponding author) -
Localizing runtime anomalies in service-oriented systems
Q. He, X. Xie, Y. Wang, D. Ye, F. Chen, H. Jin, Y. Yang
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
Vol.10, No.1, pp.94-106 -
METRIC: METamorphic Relation Identification based on the Category-choice framework
T.Y. Chen, P-L. Poon, X. Xie
Journal of Systems and Software
Vol.116, pp. 177-190 -
Search-based QoS Ranking Prediction for Web Services in Cloud Environments
Chengying Mao, Jifu Chen, Dave Towey, Jinfu Chen, X. Xie
Future Generation Computer Systems
Vol.50, No.C, pp:111-126 -
A Theoretical Analysis of The Risk Evaluation Formulas for Spectrum-Based Fault Localization
X. Xie, T. Y. Chen, F.-C. Kuo, B. W. Xu
ACM Transaction on Software Engineering and Methodology
Vol. 22, No.4, pp.31:1-31:40 -
Metamorphic Slice: An Application in Spectrum-Based Fault
X. Xie, W. E. Wong, T. Y. Chen, B. W. Xu
Information and Software Technology
Vol.55, No.5, pp.866-879 -
Testing and Validating Machine Learning Classifiers by Metamorphic Testing
X. Xie, J. W. K. Ho, C. Murphy, G. Kaiser, B. W. Xu, and T. Y. Chen
Journal of Systems and Software
Vol.84, No.4, pp.544-558 -
An Innovative Approach for Testing Bioinformatics Programs Using Metamorphic Testing
T. Y. Chen, J. W. K. Ho, H. Liu, and X. Xie
BMC Bioinformatics
Vol.10, No.1, pp.24-35 (alphabetic author order)-highly accessed -
Genetic Test Case Generation for Path-oriented Testing
X. Xie, B. W. Xu, L. Shi, C. H. Nie
Journal of Software
Vol.20, No.12, pp.3117-3136 -
Survey of Evolutionary Testing
X. Xie, L. Xu, B. W. Xu, C. H. Nie, and L. Shi
Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology
Vol.2, No.5, pp.449-466 -
An Empirical Study of Configuration Strategies of Evolutionary Testing
L. Shi, B. W. Xu, X. Xie
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
Vol.6, No.1A, pp.44-49
Refereed Conferences
HedgeCode: A Multi-Task Hedging Contrastive Learning Framework for Code Search
G. Chen, X. Xie, D. Tang, Q. Xin, W. Liu
IEEE/ACM 47th International Conference on Software Engineering
pp.89-100 (corresponding author) -
Do Not Neglect What's on Your Hands: Localizing Software Faults with Exception Trigger Stream
X. Zhang, Y. Song, X. Xie, Q. Xin, C. Xing
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
pp. 982-994 (corresponding author) -
FMCS: Improving Code Search by Multi-Modal Representation Fusion and Momentum Contrastive Learning
W. Liu, G. Chen, X. Xie
IEEE 24th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security
pp. 632-638 (corresponding author) -
FastLog: An End-to-End Method to Efficiently Generate and Insert Logging Statements
X. Xie, Z. Cai, S. Chen, J. Xuan
Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
pp. 26-37 (co-corresponding author) -
ReClues: Representing and indexing failures in parallel debugging with program variables
Y. Song, X. Zhang, X. Xie, Q. Liu, R. Gao, C. Xing
Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering
pp.1-13 (corresponding author) -
Properly Offer Options to Improve the Practicality of Software Document Completion Tools
Z. Cai, S. Chen, X. Xie
IEEE/ACM 31st International Conference on Program Comprehension
pp.237-241 (corresponding author) -
ML-KGCL: Multi-level Knowledge Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation
G. Chen, X. Xie
International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications
pp.253-268 (corresponding author) -
Boosting the Revealing of Detected Violations in Deep Learning Testing: A Diversity-Guided Method
X. Xie, P. Yin, S. Chen
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
pp.1-13 (corresponding author) -
Evolving Ranking-Based Failure Proximities for Better Clustering in Fault Isolation
Y. Song, X. Xie, X. Zhang, Q. Liu, R. Gao
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
pp.1-13 (corresponding author) -
Towards the Robustness of Multiple Object Tracking Systems
X. Xie, Y. Duan, S. Chen and J. Xuan
Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
pp.402-413 (co-corresponding author) -
Testing Your Question Answering Software via Asking Recursively
S. Chen, S. Jin, X. Xie
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
pp.104-116 (co-first and corresponding author) -
Property-based Test for Part-of-Speech Tagging Tool
S. Jin, S. Chen, X. Xie
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering NIER Track
pp.1306-1311 (corresponding author) -
Validation on machine reading comprehension software without annotated labels: a property-based method
S. Chen, S. Jin, X. Xie
Proceedings of the 29th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
pp.590-602 (co-first and corresponding author) -
Towards Understanding Tool-chain Bugs in the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
X. Xie, H. Yang, Q. He, L. Chen
IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering
pp.1-11 -
Stay professional and efficient: automatically generate titles for your bug reports
S. Chen, X. Xie, B. Yin, Y. Ji, L. Chen, B. Xu
Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(co-first and corresponding author) -
On the investigation of essential diversities for deep learning testing criteria
Z. Zhang, X. Xie
IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security
pp.394-405 (corresponding author) -
How do multiple pull requests change the same code: A study of competing pull requests in github
X. Zhang, Y. Chen, Y. Gu, W. Zou, X. Xie, X. Jia, J. Xuan
IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
pp.228-239 -
Test case prioritization using adaptive random sequence with category-partition-based distance
X. Zhang, X. Xie, T. Y. Chen
IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security
pp.374-385 -
Revisit of automatic debugging via human focus-tracking analysis
X. Xie, Z. Liu, S. Song, Z. Chen, J. Xuan, B. Xu
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering
pp.808-819 -
Code Coverage-based Failure Proximity without Test Oracles
J. Tu, X. Xie, B.W. Xu
IEEE 40th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference
Vol.1, pp.133-142 -
Looking for an MR? Try METWiki today
X. Xie, J. Li, C. Wang, T. Y. Chen
The 1st International Workshop on Metamorphic Testing (MET) co-located with ICSE
(corresponding author) -
A Revisit of a Theoretical Analysis on Spectrum-Based Fault Localization
T.Y. Chen, X. Xie, F-C. Kuo, B.W. Xu
IEEE 39th Annual International Computers, Software & Applications Conference
pp.17-22 (corresponding author) -
Crash Reproduction via Test Case Mutation: Let Existing Test Cases Help
J. Xuan, X. Xie, M. Monperrus
Proceedings of the 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering
pp. 910-913 -
Spectrum-Based Runtime Anomaly Localisation in Service-Based Systems
Q. He, X. Xie, F. Chen, C. Wang, R. Vasa, Y. Yang and H. Jin
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Service Computing
pp.90-97 -
Bottom-up Integration Testing with the Technique of Metamorphic Testing
X. Xie, J. Tu, T. Y. Chen, B. Xu
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Quality Software
pp.73-78 -
Provably Optimal and Human-Competitive Results in SBSE for Spectrum Based Fault Localisation
X. Xie, F.-C. Kuo, T. Y. Chen, S. Yoo and M. Harman
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering
pp.224-238 -
Spectrum-Based Fault Localization: Testing Oracles Are No Longer Mandatory
X. Xie, W. E. Wong, B. W. Xu, and T. Y. Chen
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Quality Software
pp.1-10 -
An Optimization Strategy for Evolutionary Testing Based on Cataclysm
M. Wang, B. Li, Z. Wang, and X. Xie
Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops
pp.359-364 -
Isolating Suspiciousness from Spectrum-Based Fault Localization Techniques
X. Xie, T. Y. Chen, B. W. Xu
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quality Software
Application of Metamorphic Testing to Supervised Classifiers
X. Xie, J. W. K. Ho, C. Murphy, G. Kaiser, B. W. Xu, and T. Y. Chen
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Quality Software
Bestpaper Award
pp.135-144 -
A Dynamic Optimization Strategy for Evolutionary Testing
X. Xie, B. W. Xu, L. Shi, C. H. Nie, Y. X. He
Proceedings of the 12th ASIA-PACIFIC Software Engineering Conference
pp.568-575 -
Configuration Strategies for Evolutionary Testing
X. Xie, B. W. Xu, C. H. Nie, L. Shi
Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference
Vol.2, pp.13-14
Book (Chapter)
X. Xie, W. E. Wong, Theoretical Aspects of Software Fault Localization
X. Xie, B. Xu, Essential Spectrum-based Fault Localization
B. Xu, X. Xie, L. Shi, C. Nie, Application of Genetic Algorithms in Software Testing. Advances in Machine Learning Application in Software Engineering
X. Xie, F.-C. Kuo, T. Y. Chen, S. Yoo, M. Harman, Theoretical Analysis of GP-Evolved Risk Evaluation Formulas for Spectrum Based Fault Localisation. Research Note RN/13/06
X. Xie, W. E. Wong, B. W. Xu, and T. Y. Chen, Spectrum-based Fault Localization Without Test Oracles. Technical Report UTDCS-07-10
Academic Services
Teaching Experience
Postdoc Research Fellow
PhD Candidates

Gong Chen

Chunying Zhou

Shuo Jin

Zishuai Li

Zhenyu Wan
Master Students

Xihao Zhang

Xingpeng Li
Chenliang Xing

Yan Song

Siyuan Lu

Renhao Liao

Chenzhao Jia

Jintai Li

Yi Wang

Liheng Ma

Lin Xu

Dongchen Xie

Chen Wang
First Job:
Alibaba Group

Jiewei Zhang
First Job:
Alibaba Group
Guanyan Li
Next University:
Yale University
Yuhui Su
Next University:
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tianjiao Wan
Next University:
National University of Defense Technology
Peiliang Liu
First Job:

Zhiyi Zhang
First Job:
China Merchants Bank
Awards:Outstanding master graduates of Wuhan University in 2020
Haolin Yang
Next University:
Nanjing University

Jiahao Li
First Job:
Alibaba Group

Jingdi Xu
First Job:
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

Yuan Li
First Job:

Fan Pu
First Job:

Heng Zhang
First Job:
Dongfeng Motor Corporation

Chao Guan

Songqiang Chen
Next University:
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Quanming Liu
First Job:
Wuhan Iron and Steel Design and Research Institute

Ying Duan
First Job:

Haoyu Peng
First Job:
Alibaba Group

Zhipeng Cai
First Job:
Merchants Union Consumer Finance Company

Hanghang Chen
First Job: